Exciting new features with Lightroom Classic 7.3


New Features, Performance Enhancements & Bug Fixes

There have been some significant and exciting new features introduced with the latest update of Lightroom Classic Release 7.3 that will speed up and enhance your image editing workflow.

New Lightroom Classic 7.3 features worth noting

The key feature enhancements to Lightroom Classic 7.3 includes:

  • Camera Profiles have been moved from the Camera Calibration Panel to the Basic Panel
  • A new Camera Profile, Adobe Color has been added
  • 40+ Creative Profiles have been introduced
  • The Dehaze Slider has been moved to the Basic Panel
  • The Tone Curve Panel has been enhanced.
  • Facial Recognition Engine Improved
  • Lightroom Mobile Enhancements


Camera Profiles have been moved to the Basic Panel.

In one of my previous blogs; Solving a Common Lightroom Image Quality Issue I explained why the image quality changes from the beautiful image you see on your camera’s LCD screen to the flat and dull RAW image you see once its imported into Lightroom. The image you see on the camera LCD screen is a jpeg rendition that has had a camera profile applied to it. When its imported into Lightroom, a new Adobe Standard profile is applied to it in order to display the more accurate RAW image for you to edit. You were able to apply a range of different profiles to the image, but you had to go down to the Camera Calibration Panel to find them. They are now, more conveniently located in the Basic Panel.

Profile Selection







New Camera Profile – Adobe Color

A new Camera Profile called Adobe Color has been added, which is said to be a bit more dynamic than the default Adobe Standard. Here’s what Adobe had to say about the new profile;

“Adobe Color was designed to greatly improve the look and rendering of warm tones, improving the transitions between certain color ranges, and slightly increasing the starting contrast of your photos. Since Adobe Color is the new default (but only for newly imported photos), it was designed to work on the widest range of photos and ensures that regardless of the subject, your photo will look great.”

The remaining profiles – Adobe Monochrome, Adobe Portrait, Adobe Landscape, Adobe Neutral & Adobe Vivid have all been enhanced. These enhanced profiles bring a standard look and feel regardless of what camera the photo was shot with.






40+ Creative Profiles

In addition to the new RAW profiles there is also 40+ new Creative Profiles that have been organised into four basic categories – Artistic, Black & White, Modern and Vintage. These are similar to photo filters that you find in many popular photo apps on line and can be applied to any of your images regardless of their file type. Because these are Profiles and not Presets, your sliders are not adjusted when you apply the Profile which allows you access the full range of Lightroom adjustments after the Profile has been applied. In addition, when you select a Profile to be applied, an Amount slider appears allowing you to control the intensity of the profile being applied to the image.
















The Dehaze Slider has been relocated to the Basic Panel

Listening to the feedback of the Lightroom community, Adobe relocated the Dehaze Slider to the Basic Panel which makes much more sense as this feature also interacts with the other Basic Panel adjustments. 





A few more features to have a look at

  • The Facial Recognition engine has been enhanced and is much, much faster, more responsive and appears to be more reliable. It also has the ability to rescan folders your previously ran with facial recognition to reach for new faces.
  • The Tone Curve has been a bit bigger, making it slightly easier to work with.


Of course there are the mandatory bug fixes and addition of support for new cameras and lenses. Overall this is a very interesting upgrade and I’m eager to explore all of the new capabilities. 


Have fun!



The Complete Pixel runs regular Lightroom Workshops to assist you in developing your post processing skills. For more information and upcoming dates and locations view our Complete Pixel Workshops page.

Brian Bird
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