Lightroom 6.10 / Lightroom CC 2015.10 Update

New Camera’s & Lenses Supported – Along With Important Bug Fixes

The latest release of Lightroom 6.10 and CC 2015.10 was launched yesterday with support for new cameras, new lens profiles, and bug fixes. Although there are no new features in this release, there are a couple of significant bug fixes. If the Creative Cloud Application or Lightroom doesn’t prompt you to update, go to Help>Updates, or click on the Update button on the Apps tab of your Creative Cloud app. Please remember to do a complete backup before installing the updates. 

New Camera Support

Lightroom can now import raw files (and JPEGs) from the following new cameras:

Canon EOS M6
Canon EOS Digital Rebel Tyi (EOS 800D, EOS Kiss X9i)
Canon EOS 77D (EOS 9000D)
Pentax KP

New Lens Profiles

The following lens profiles have been added to the Lens Corrections panel:

  • Apple
    OOWA 15mm Wide-Angle Lens for iPhone 6 (JPEG only)
    OOWA 15mm Wide-Angle Lens for iPhone 6s (DNG+JPEG)
    OOWA 75mm Telephoto Lens for iPhone 6 (JPEG only)
    OOWA 75mm Telephoto Lens for iPhone 6s (DNG+JPEG)
  • Canon EF
    SIGMA 100400mm F56.3 DG OS HSM C017
    SIGMA 135mm F1.8 DG HSM A017
    Tokina ATX 2470mm F2.8 PRO FX (IF)
  • Canon EF-S
    Canon EFS 18-55mm f/3.55.6 IS II
    Tokina ATX 1420mm F2 PRO DX (IF)
  • Minolta SR
    Minolta MC ROKKORPF 85mm F1.7
    Minolta MD ROKKORX 85mm F2
  • Nikon F
    Samyang 12mm f/2.8 ED AS NCS Fisheye
    SIGMA 135mm F1.8 DG HSM A017
    Tokina ATX 14-20mm F2 PRO DX (IF)Tokina ATX 24-70mm F2.8 PRO FX (IF)
  • Leica M
    Voigtlander VM HELIAR-HYPER WIDE 10mm F5.6
    Voigtlander VM ULTRA WIDE-HELIAR 12mm F5.6 III
  • Leica M39
    FED Industar-61 52mm f/2.8
  • M42
    Helios MC 443 58mm F2
  • Sigma
    SIGMA 135mm F1.8 DG HSM A017
  • Sony FE
    Sony FE 85mm F1.8
    Sony FE 100mm F2.8 STF GM OSS

Bugs Fixes

  • The capture time was shown as GMT Instead of Local Time for Videos Shot and Imported from iPhone 6.Not able to access the Auto Import menu item.
  • Presets listed under “Color Presets” were not available.
  • The audio balance slider in the Slideshow module did not complete mute the audio as expected.
  • Cursor movements on point tone curve behaved erratically.
  • Tone Curve points were not moving correctly with Wacom stylus.
  • Tone Curve froze after several user actions and drags.
  • Importing images from an SD card with File Renaming enabled did not put images in the correct order (Mac only).
  • File renaming on export was incorrect when using the “Cropped” token in the File Rename on Export dialog.
  • Added Camera Matching color profiles for the Panasonic FZ1000, Panasonic GH4, and Panasonic LX100 cameras.
  • Adjustment brush with negative clarity affected exposure.

One of the big on-going issues for Mac users happens when you move to the Develop Module and both the Left and Right Panels turned completely black.  Adobe have made progress in fixing the black panel issue as noted here in their blog post, and have reduced the chances that you will  see the issue again. Please let them know if you see this issue in CC 2015.10 / 6.10.If you experience bugs with this release, report them here.

Adobe has also launched a new version of LR for iOS and Android to provide update camera support.



Brian Bird
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